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Omron mobile robots

Omron is one of the world’s leading manu­fa­c­turers of mobile robots and since the foun­dation in 1933, they have supplied innovative solu­tions and advanced technology for the industry. Omron is currently present at 150 loca­tions across 40 countries.

Increase productivity and limit wasted time

Omron’s mobile robots are designed to increase productivity during manu­fa­c­turing and logi­stics processes and to help improve the effi­ciency of the employees by giving them time to focus on other tasks that require complex human capa­bi­lities. At the same time, mobile robots reduce machine stoppage, eliminate errors, and improve tracea­bility of materials.

The mobile robots are:

  • Flexible
  • Safe
  • Easy to use
  • Efficient
  • Scalable

We want to work closely with the best system inte­grators in the market. It is important for Omron that our end cust­omers are supplied with the best possible solution, exce­eding the expected. With great profes­sional expertise and tech­nical inge­nuity in automation, we see Gibotech as the natural partner in the work of extra­cting the great market potential for intel­ligent mobile robots. It is a new and still rela­tively unexplored market as there are great possi­bi­lities for the inte­gration of mobile robots solu­tions. We have great expecta­tions for the newly established part­nership, and we see the coope­ration with Gibotech on the mobile robots as the beginning of a long joint effort of creating innovation in automation.

Per Pilegaard

Country Manager, Omron Electronics A/S

Autonomous intel­ligent vehicles

Omron’s mobile LD robots are auto­nomous intel­ligent vehicles (AIVs) designed to increase productivity signi­fi­cantly at the manu­fa­c­turing and logi­stics companies.

Route planning

A built-in laser allows the robot to operate in surro­un­dings that are often changing and it provides the robot the opportunity to drive across big open areas.


Omron’s mobile robots use laser and sensors to scan the route for obstacles and it auto­ma­ti­cally releases an emer­gency stop to prevent a collision.

Omron’s mobile robots – AIVs (Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles) increase effi­ciency for many productions across the world. If you connect it with Omron’s Enterprise Manager that can control up to 100 robots, you will get a fleet of intel­ligent vehicles that can navigate between each other without any unne­cessary stopping.

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Did you know that a ware­house operative use up to half his working hours walking from one place to another??

With mobile robots to handle internal logi­stics, your employees can use their time on tasks that require more complex action. At the same time, they are spared for the repe­ating, mono­tonous move­ments that would otherwise result in fatigue, work-related injuries and a high number of sick days.

Mobile robots

There are countless opportu­nities for using mobile robots solu­tions, and Omron’s mobile robots already exist in many different busi­nesses like the car industry, the health sector, the food industry, logi­stics, and many others.

Omron’s mobile robots are the obvious choice when Gibotech designs and supplies custom-made auto­mated logi­stics and trans­portation solutions.

Read more about Omron



Se mere om vores mobile robotter til industri her og til hospi­taler her.



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