Mobile robots

for hospitals and the healt­hcare sector

Gibotech develops and delivers solu­tions with mobile robots that can cover any need in for hospitals and the health sector. Besides deli­vering the mobile robots, we also connect the systems with the opera­tional panels and software and links to the posi­tions the mobile robot is going to and from. When Gibotech develops auto­matic logi­stics and trans­portation solu­tions, mobile robots from DS Automotion and Omron are the obvious choice because their products match our demands for quality and flexi­bility. Our field of appli­cation mainly covers solu­tions based on specific customer preferences. 

AGV på række
omron solo

What is a mobile robot?

Mobile robots can move freely around the room and are not locked to a physical location. Until now it has been a manual task to transport opera­tional instru­ments around the hospital. But Gibotech now intro­duces small, flexible and auto­nomous robots at the hospitals, for instance for the deli­vering of sterile instru­ments to the operating rooms. Mobile robots can also be used at the goods intake and for the handling of goods at the hospitals, which will give the employees’ time for other tasks and minimize mono­tonous and repe­ating tasks. 

Get all the benefits

If you choose an internal logi­stics solution with mobile robots, you also get several business benefits. The effecti­veness of a solution with mobile robots can therefore be read directly on the bottom line, and if you compare a manual solution with a mobile robot solution, the benefits become even clearer.

Some of the most obvious advan­tages of using mobile, self-driving robots for internal logi­stics tasks are:

  • Higher patient safety
  • Lower labour costs
  • Lower operating costs
  • Improved tracea­bility
  • Fast ROI

We take care of your solution

Gibotech is always the top project manager when we develop logi­stics and automation projects.

We employ designers, project managers, PLC and software programmers to meet the high demands that exist today, and so that we as a system house can conduct an automation project profes­sio­nally and ensure that it meets appli­cable legal requi­re­ments, including CE requirements.

Fewer wage costs


Greater patient safety


Improved tracea­bility


Better working environment


DS Automotion AGV_mobil robot

Sally  DS Automotion is one of the leading manu­fa­c­tures of mobile robots or AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) as they are also called. DS Automotion has deve­loped a special mobile robot, Sally, for Gibotech, which will be used at the Central Sterile Supply Departement at Rigshospitalet.

DS Automotion DS Automotion’s mobile robots and auto­nomous trucks guarantee auto­matic and precise trans­portation of goods for both production and logi­stics companies, and for hospital and the health sector. DS Automotion offers a wide selection of different tech­no­logies both in navi­gation, controls and inspection.

We want to work with the best system inte­grators in the market. It’s important for Omron that our end cust­omers get the best possible solution and prefe­rably more than expected

Per Pilegaard

Country Manager, Omron Electronics A/S

Omron Omron’s mobile robots or AIVs (Autonomous Intelligent Vehicle) as they are called, covers a new type of auto­nomous units that can be programmed freely. They have their own little “on board” computer and are easily programmed by showing it its route. The general control, meaning the booking of the AIVs for tasks and coor­di­nation, is done through Omron’s Entreprise Manager Software.

Safety Mobile robots use both laser and other sensors to identify obstacles on their route and an emer­gency brake is acti­vated depending on their speed to prevent accidents.

You can get in contact with headquarters, the relevant sales repre­sen­tative, or read more about the brands we offer, below.

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