Goods reception and handling
Gibotech has helped several hospitals with automation of their handling of goods and goods reception. Back in 2011, the world’s first sterilization central was installed at Gentofte Hospital. And in 2016, we installed an automatic goods reception at Herlev Hospital. At the end of 2018, a completely new and automatic sterilization central will be finished at Rigshospitalet, which will help centralize the handling and distribution of sterile operational instruments for all of the Capital Region of Denmark.
Automated goods reception and handling
By automating the manual processes and tasks in connection with goods reception and handling, the hospitals get their workflow optimized while they create a better working environment for the employees.
Customized solutions
We have years of experience with developing automation solutions for hospitals and the health service. We know the business and we know that specific solutions are required to meet the unique demands. All our solutions are customized for each individual hospital and can be upscaled and downscaled so the solution can be adapted to other hospitals.
Our solutions are modular and can be adjusted for the hospitals’ individual demands requests.
Increased efficiency
Automation decreases the risk of errors, ensures traceability, and increases efficiency.
Utilization of buildings
Robots and equipment have no demands for physical work conditions and can be placed in less attractive rooms like the basement.
Robotics technology
The use of robotics technology increases productivity with the same amount of employees. Robots can work 24/7 and they do not need breaks or vacations and they are never sick. This makes it possible to increase production outside normal working hours without increasing wage costs supplements.
Herlev Hospital
The goods reception at Herlev Hospital was automated in 2016, so now robots, roller conveyors, and AGVs receive the goods and handle the further distribution of e.g. operational instruments, laundry, and medication.
In 2018/19, we will finish our largest hospital project so far – a completely new sterilization central at Rigshospitalet. The solution will automate and centralize both handling and distribution of sterile items in all of the Capital Region and it takes up 4 floors with goods reception, automatic high bay storage, washing areas, etc.
Optimal use of buildings
An automatic goods reception can be installed in new buildings or adjusted to the demands in existing buildings. Robots are flexible and have fewer demands for the physical working environment than employees, which make it possible to place them in less attractive rooms like the basement.
Do you want a non-binding offer on a custom-made solution that suits your hospital?
Contact our sales representative Mikkel Bjerregaard directly by selecting “Contact sales representative”.
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Installed solutions since 1983
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