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Fanuc robots

For more than 60 years, Fanuc has been at the fore­front of innovation and is constantly shifting the limits for what is possible in terms of increasing productivity and reducing the costs in a wide range of industries.

Versatile and reliable

So far, FANUC has deli­vered and installed more than 400,000 indu­strial robots all over the world and their own production consists of 2,000 easily recog­nizable yellow robots. For almost 60 years, the Japanese manu­fa­c­turer has produced innovative automation solu­tions that shift the borders for flexi­bility, precision, and opti­mization of production processes.

FANUC’s robots are used in all types of indu­stries thanks to the wide range in the program – from the smallest robot capable of lifting 1 kg and with a range at up to 280 mm, to the biggest capable of lifting 1350 kg and with a range over 4683 mm.

All of FANUC’s robots have an easy to use user interface and reli­a­bility of 99.9 %, which gives Gibotech the opportunity to develop the most effi­cient and solid robotics and automation solu­tions in the business. Besides robots, the FANUC products also include Robocut for laser cutting of wire, Roboshot for injection moulding, and Robodrill for milling and drilling.

Global expe­rience

So far, FANUC has installed more than 24,500,000 products all over the world.

The world’s most automated

FANUC uses more than 2,000 robots in their own production, which means that they have one of the most auto­mated production faci­lities in the world.

Spare parts guarantee

When you invest in one of Gibotech’s solu­tions with FANUC’s robots we will make sure that you are supplied with spare parts as long as the robot is operating.

Maximum effi­ciency

Early discovery of any potential errors provides faster and easier main­tenance. With the new ZDT diag­no­stics tool from FANUC, the robot’s stoppage is mini­mized. ZDT constantly monitors the robot’s mecha­nical, main­tenance and process condition, and can show any potential errors before the robot stops. Messages from ZDT can even be shown on any smartphone.

Intelligent 3D simulation

FANUC ROBOGUIDE is an offline simu­lation tool that can simulate the robot’s move­ments and commands. By importing CAD and perform tests and make changes offline, there will be minimal impact on the production. ROBOGUIDE is both intu­itive and so easy to use that only very little or no training at all is needed.

Award-winning company

Over the years, FANUC has won several awards for their innovative approach to automation and technology, including Forbes World’s Most Innovative Companies, Henry Ford Technology Award and Automotive Industries Quest for Excellence Award.


Fanuc City is located by the foot of Fuji Mountain in Japan and covers 1,500,000 m² with production faci­lities, research and deve­l­op­ments centers, admi­ni­stration, staff accom­modation, etc.

There is a history of technology, but for engi­neers there is no past. There is only creation.”

Dr. Inaba


FANUC and Gibotech

FANUC is the leading supplier of robotics automation and has the widest product program when we only look at indu­strial robots. The robots’ payload is between 0,5 kg and 2300 kg; which make their robots ideal for a wide range of indu­stries, including aviation, the car industry, consumer goods, education, food, the metal business, medical, phar­ma­ceu­tical, and many more.

For optimal appli­cation confi­gu­ration, Gibotech also offers simu­lation packages, appli­cation software, controls, and inte­grated iRVision products. The combi­nation of intel­ligent robots, process compe­tencies and the wide range of several options, provides Gibotech with the necessary tools we need to reduce costs, improve quality, maximize productivity, and increase our cust­omers’ competitiveness.

Gibotech develops, delivers, and services automation solu­tions for a wide range of busi­nesses that need e.g. auto­matic spray-painting, machine operation, mounting, storage systems, and palle­tizing. Below you can see some of our existing solu­tions with FANUC robots and get inspiration to how you can automate your production with robots.

cases and references.

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