We distribute


Control systems

Gibotech has a close part­nership with OSAI and we have more than 30 years of expe­rience with OSAI controls. As a result of our expe­rience and coope­ration with OSAI, we are Scandinavian repre­sen­ta­tives and Service Partners for OSAI.

This means that we distribute OSAI’s innovative solu­tions and spare parts; just like we offer support and service on existing OSAI products in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Spare parts and service

We always have various spare parts in stock and if you need a spare part that we are not stocking, we can get it for you in most cases for a day-to-day delivery.

All employees in the service department have a great know­ledge of new and old controls from OSAI and we offer repairs and support on all of OSAI’s products. From the old 8600 controls to 310 and 510 controls to the brand new Open Control; which is the newest addition to the OSAI control system.

Today, OSAI is used by more and more CNC manu­fa­c­turers because they are acces­sible when you learn to drive with them and, opposed to others, they can be used with almost any bus system as well as almost all servo systems.

All OSAI’s CNC control systems support previous versions of hardware, which make them a future-proof partner. OSAI’s control systems can easily be upgraded without a big redesign and lately, we have installed several retrofits where we have replaced the old controls on CNC machines with the new up-to-date Open Control from OSAI.

Get the right OSAI guidance

Unfortunately, we often expe­rience cust­omers who have not been provided with the right guidance from their original supplier in relation to backup and main­tenance on their controls and it takes extra time when these data have to be recreated.

If you are uncertain how to handle your backup, you can contact us at service@​gibotech.​dk.


A part of Olivetti

OSAI, which has speci­a­lized in nume­rical control since 1957, started in the machine tool department at Olivetti and quickly grew to cover the entire inter­na­tional market.

Ties to Allen Bradley/Rockwell

Over time, OSAI got close ties to Allen Bradley/Rockwell and came under the Rockwell Group’s name and logo. In 1997, OSAI was once again an inde­pendent company speci­a­lizing in nume­rical control and automation systems.


In 2007, OSAI was bought by the Italian electronics manu­fa­c­turer PRIMA ELECTRO S.p.A. and is now one of the world’s leading suppliers of CNC and automation.


OSAI’s success

OSAI’s success comes from a combi­nation of high-tech products and a sales and support orga­nization that are capable of handling even the most demanding appli­ca­tions. This ability comes partly from their long history in the market, but also from an orga­nization that is trained to react quickly on the cust­omers’ needs but also to predict the demands and deve­l­opment in the market.


The new OSAI OPENMill hardware and software modules provide optimal control of the processing centers when it comes to costs and results; from simple 3‑axis machines to more complex 5‑axis processing centers. The solu­tions offered with the new OPENMill system

make the instal­lation easier and the production more effi­cient thanks to the most advanced software modules and hardware components.

About OSAI

OSAI was founded in 1957, and today they are one of the world’s leading suppliers of control systems for CNC machines and automation. The company speci­a­lizes in the processing of wood, plastics, glass, rock, and metal and they are leaders in the deve­l­opment of nume­rical motion control in terms of technology, perfor­mance, cost opti­mization, and adaption.

OSAI’s product port­folio contains a wide range of systems capable of handling everything from 3‑axis single processes to 64-axis machines with up to 24 processes. With care­fully thought out axis move­ments, user-friendly interface, and a control system that can be imple­mented in most solu­tions, OSAI is a reliable and trustworthy partner for the most important manu­fa­c­turers. With more than 60,000 CNC instal­la­tions across the world, OSAI has raised the standard for precision and modularity.

If you want to know more about what kind of OSAI controls that will fit your solution, contact our service manager Allan Sloth Hansen at

+45 20 66 35 17 or ash@​gibotech.​dk

Læs mere om OSAI


Installed appli­ca­tions across the world

Years of coope­ration with Gibotech

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