automation with collaborative robot



GiboHandling for indu­strial use is based on known technology and expe­rience from previous projects.

The solution is offered as a complete turnkey solution as described and easily tailored to customer specific demands 
with either a cobot or an indu­strial robot.


Fanuc, KUKA, Omron TM


Standard or appli­cation specific
defined by the task



All jobs requiring placing a pallet on a


May be combined with Omron AMR
or inte­grated towards a third party


May be deli­vered as cobot, cobot with
safety scanner or with fence

  • Well-known technology tailored to your production
  • Large vari­ation in product size is now controlled by the robot
    rather than manual systems
  • Possibility of higher throughput for future growth
  • Profit from less waste of casting material
  • Reduction of one-sided repe­titive work (heavy equipment)
  • Reducing time for handling, releasing employees to other
  • Greater job satis­fa­ction for increased productivity

• Omron TM12 robot inkl. controller
• 1 gripper designed for lifting palettes with varying hole patterns
• 1 zero posi­tioning fixture
• 1 cust­o­mized casting gun holder with built-in waste tray
• 2 portable palette racks
• 2 pick and drop stations for AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots)
• 5 fixed storage racks for palettes
• 1 customer designed HMI Touchpanel with user friendly interface
• Integration of existing 3rd party mobile robot
• Integration against existing 3rd party molding machine’s asso­ciated interface
• Complete safety solution
• Electrical cabinets and necessary electrical compo­nents
• Installation and commis­sioning of robotic systems at
Gibotech A/S with FAT test
• Installation and commis­sioning of the entire cell at
customer with SAT test
• Complete docu­men­tation package including CE marking


GiboHandling combines a cobot’s easily acces­sible programming with a full safety solution allowing you to work with shorter cycle times than in full colla­bo­rative mode.

The functio­nality of the solution starts with an AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) that delivers a rack with a palette on which items are set for casting. The robot’s inte­grated camera finds the exact location of the rack and counts the number of filled shelves. One by one, the palettes are retrieved and held under a casting gun that moulds all the way to the edge of the workpiece. When the items are cast, the robot selects an empty shelf on the storage racks and places the palette with the fully filled items for hardening. After hardening, the robot calls on an empty rack. The hardened items are placed in the empty rack and can be picked up by AMR.

The robot controls the delivery and collection of empty racks. It reads quantity on a new order and keeps track of the place­ments and curing time in the shelf store. In addition, the robot is the master of the casting equipment, where a casting quantity is called according to which workpiece to be cast.

The entire solution is compact within the robot’s reach and it is all controlled from user-friendly HMI located easily acces­sible outside the safety fence.

Need help?

Kenneth Pedersen_web_sh

Contact our head office

+45 65 95 82 62